Tom Massey’s first show garden, the UNHCR 'Border Control' Garden appeared at the RHS Hampton Court Flower Show in July 2016. The exhibit received an RHS Gold Medal and the coveted 'Best Conceptual Garden' award.
Designed in collaboration with John Ward and sponsored by the charity UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency) the garden highlighted the refugee crisis with symbolic use of British native and non-native planting.
A beautiful, fertile and tranquil island of lush planting sat across a moat bordered by razor wire fencing. Outside the fence, struggling amongst rubble, starved of nutrients and water, non-native plants fought to survive, desperate to reach the protected island.
As visitors approached, their view was from the non-native refugees’ perspective, a land full of danger, despair and suffering with only glimpses of the sanctuary beyond. However, dispersed amongst the rubble, surviving against the odds, a number of beautiful non-native plants shone, colourful displays of strength and hope in the face of adversity.
At first glance the central island planting appeared to be a traditional British wildflower meadow, but on closer inspection, many of the plants from the outer zone had made it across, integrated amongst the native wildflowers, blending in, harmonising and adding to the overall beauty of the sanctuary.
Inside the garden the visitor was enveloped in a lush and beautiful oasis; but questioning how much can this beauty truly be appreciated when surrounded by the suffering beyond.
Click to play the UNHCR 'Border Control' Garden video